I had this one kid choke another kid (and by "choke" I just mean hands around the neck, not really squeezing) at the bowling alley. I pulled him aside and talked to him, and since I never usually have problems with him, I let him go back to bowl after making sure he understood that choking was BAD. 15 minutes later, can you guess what he did??? Yes, he choked another kid. And then when I told him he couldn't bowl anymore, he threw a full-blown tantrum.
So, that added up to three incident reports (two for the kids being choked, and one for the choker), and one accident report (because when the choker was throwing his tantrum, he banged his head on the ground repeatedly and got a bump on his head).
Other than that, though, the day went all right. The kids were a tad crazier than usual, but I think that's just because it was Wednesday. I swear, the kids here have issues with Wednesdays. The kids from Spain had trouble with Mondays, but these kids chose Wednesday as their crazy day. I shall dub it "Wacky Wednesday," in honor of my second favorite Dr. Seuss book (first is "Go Dog Go" because it's awesome, and you know it!).
I got in trouble a bit last week for not taking my breaks (and so did Aaron, btw), so now everyone is being forced to take a break. Honestly, I didn't mind too much today.
Oh, and yesterday, we took the kids to these auditions for the play Princess and the Pea that this children's theater is putting on, and something...uh... interesting happened. The kids were all standing in a giant circle (there were a 100 or so kids there, about a third from Yokosuka Day camp, another third from Ikego and Negishi day camps, and a third just random kids from base). I was walking around outside the circle, keeping the kids quiet, when I hear a voice behind me saying, "Hey, counselor-lady. Counselor lady!" I turn around, and it's one of the kids' dad sitting there. He says, "Do you see that little girl standing by my daughter? See how she has her hands all the way inside her pants?" She really did, btw. I could see her butt, literally. "Well, she keeps rubbing her poopy hands all over my daughter, so could you tell her to keep her poopy hands to herself and to get them out of her butt."
I was like "Well, I'm not sure that girl's part of camp, but I will talk to her anyway." She ended up being from Ikego camp, and as soon as I said something to her, she immediately took her hands out of her pants (thankfully). I just thought that was a funny little story.
I know I said I will tell you more about our trip to Kyoto and Osaka, but I've run out of time (and battery). So, you will just have to wait.
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