Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yesterday and today were kind of hard. Today was a little better because we had less kids, but the kids are still just not listening and not paying attention.

This weekend we are going to Kyoto and Osaka, and now that it's getting closer and closer to Saturday, I am getting really excited. The transportation and hotels are already planned/reserved, compliments of ITT. I actually didn't go talk to ITT, but Aaron and Megan did, so hopefully they know what's going on.

My weeks been a little better for a few reasons. My programming is now done, so I have more time to just chillax. Also, I feel like I am getting back into the flow of camp, and it's getting a little easier to deal with the kids, even though some of them are still being little- um... nevermind. Oh, and my week got ten times better yesterday when I went to the Commissary and found the kind of apple juice that I drank all last summer. I looked for it in the States and couldn't find it, so I was super excited to find it here. Yay!

This week was Happy Birthday USA week. So, in the mornings, we've been having the kids vote. Monday was song day, meaning the counselors picked a song and the kids voted on whose was the best. Spencer won. Wednesday was a dance-off, and I got to dance to Cotton-Eye Joe. I got my hick on!!! Spencer won again, though. Today was a hula hoop contest. Can you guess who won??? Spencer. I am beginning to think these kids are biased...

There is this one kid that i seriously want to put in his place. He needs to know that he is not "all that." He's not even "some of that." He is just plain "none of that." He starts fights all the time, and when we played basketball today, he had some serious attitude issues. I had literally just gotten through a whole lecture on sportsmanship ("what is that?" one kid asked), and this little... darling child... goes and hits/pushes someone for taking the ball from him. Let me tell you, he was sitting on the bench two seconds later. OH, and btw, these kids have no idea how to play basketball. RIDICULOUS.

Some things I had to say today during basketball time: "Hey, Dodger, get off that pole and get in the game!" "Call for the ball and they will pass it to you." "Dodger, do you want to play basketball? Because the game is not over at the fence." "If you want them to pass it to you, go to the side of the court that the ball is on!" "No, if you hit the ball out it's the other teams ball." "Pass the ball!!!!" "DODGER EITHER GET OFF THAT POLE AND IN THE GAME, OR SIT ON THE BENCH!"

So, that was just a little taste of my day. =D

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